
Approaching their big reveal at the 2019 LA Auto show, the “World’s First Electric Adventure Vehicle” manufacturer asked for an equally impressive web experience to introduce their breakthrough innovation and design while driving pre-orders post reveal.


Project Scope

Role: Associate UX Director



To gain a better understanding of the client and product, we visited the Rivian headquarters and manufacturing plant and were given time to explore on our own. With the big reveal approaching, our team worked swiftly to identify essential business and experience requirements while establishing an accelerated timeline to meet the auto-show opening.

Research & Data Analysis | Definition of Experience Pillars | Stakeholder interviews


Our team took the expedited schedule and turned it into a more intuitive design cycle, moving fluidly between wireframes, visual designs, and prototypes. The client was introducing a break through in the automotive industry, and our task was communicating that through an immersive front end site experience as well as a fully developed Shopify instance for pre-orders.

Wireframes | Prototyping | Interaction Paradigm


To meet the opening date the design team worked in tandem with the development team on annotated designs, functional specs, and prototypes for a pixel perfect front end experience. With this type of flexible design cycle our team was able to move seamlessly between design, development and QA on all parts of the project up to completion.

Functional Specs (Confluence) | Collaborate and provide UX QA

Product Features

The experience was driven by sophisticated scrolling motion and micro animations that reflect the sleek design and innovation of the cars themselves. Various states and interactions allowed users to explore the car designs and functional specs, creating a uniquely animated and interactive experience that would drive pre-orders through the branded Shopify instance. A particular difficult hurdle was sourcing and using placeholder assets as the actual vehicle was still undisclosed with no assets released prior to launch.

For more information and a detailed walkthrough of the process and full features set, please

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