
As the world shifted to a virtual workplace in 2020, RingCentral, a cloud communications provider, was faced with a unique opportunity - increased demand and thriving competition. In order to hold their position as the leader in the enterprise market while competing with the sudden momentum of Zoom, they tasked us with creating a brand new content platform. They wanted to engage with users while proving why they were the most secure and reliable way to communicate in the new frontier of remote work and the paradigm shift in digital communication.

Our goal was to capture and facilitate long term engagement with users through immersive content and events that would position RingCentral as the leader within their industry. Over a period of 10 months we worked iteratively with their internal design team to not only conceptualize the zine, but work to improve other aspects of the main brand site.


Project Scope

Role: Associate UX Director



We worked closely with the internal design directors and stakeholders at RingCentral to define a product roadmap for the magazine and subsequent engagement for the brand site. Utilizing their internal user research we were able to narrow down a feature set that would maximize both engagement and impact for users while targeting the clearly specified KPIs for the business.

User Flows | Experience Pillars | Feature Definition


Applying an agile design methodology, we were able to work within three day design sprints before client design reviews for both wireframes and visual designs. As we progroessed we reflected feedback and pulled in new design items from the backlog.

Wireframes | Prototyping | Testing | Interaction Design


Fully annotated visual designs and functional specifications were handed off to their internal design team outlining all necessary flows, states, and interactions for all modules, components and templates included in each work stream.

Functional Specs (Confluence)

Product Features

As part of the Zine work stream our focus was on creating an engaging platform that would highlight the editorial content which ranges from standard articles, interactive articles, podcast episodes to live and recorded events and workshops. The homepage was to allow for different publishing speeds throughout the week, enabling the editorial team to choose from a variety of lockups with the ability to enable live events streams when needed. A dynamically populated personalized content stream would further drive user pathing to articles across favored categories and industries to prolong engagement and keep users consuming content on the site.

For more information and a detailed walkthrough of the process and full features set,

Contact Me


Nexstar App Design


ReachMD - App Design